Wednesday, July 30, 2008

New Life Academy

This past summer we were invited to do the chapel service for New Life Academy. Every Friday morning Rob, Sosimo and myself would head over to the school and teach the kids. Rob and Sosimo put a short skit while I teach them the bible story. It's was so much fun. Check out Rob and Sosimo in the video below. The kids just loved them.

Fourth of July

Happy Be-lated fourth of July!!! Every year the fourth of July is always a fun fellowship day. This fourth we were invited by Chaplin Woods to a yum-o BBQ. There was tons of great food and it was alot of fun getting to know other brother's and sister's. The highlight of the night was the waiting for the firework show on Kadena but, the show wasn't that great that's why there is no pictures to show for it. Happy Birthday America!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Hola! Women

Well, it's has been a long time since I've actually been on here and I wanted to give everyone a quick update starting here. Here was the Women's Mexican dinner. We had a great time of fellowship and a awesome time in God's word. We were also blessed with a yum-o Mexican dinner cooked by our host Liz!!


Wednesday, July 9, 2008

I am back!

Well, I've finally downloaded some pictures from my camera. Here is the Spring Semester Class of 2008. We had our banquet at a chinese food restaurant called Peter's Place. It was yum-o with lots of food and lots a memories.