Monday, August 11, 2008

New Beginnings!

08/08/2008- A day for new beginnings for Ping! Friday was Ping's last day in Okinawa. She has been here in Okinawa for the past four years teaching music at New Life Academy and serving the Japanese Kid's in Children's Ministry at CC Ginowan. She is going to be greatly missed here especially by all of her students as she heads back to Taiwan. Friday evening a bunch of us dropped Ping at the airport. She was greeted by a group of loving kids. They all didn't want her to leave and neither did we. We Love you Ping and you always have a home here! Come back soon!!!


Anonymous said...

Thanks, girl!! I miss you~~
by the way, when do you plan on writing me an email? I don't have your email and am waiting for an email from you............

Anonymous said...

Hey there! my wife and I taught English In Shizuoka, Japan as Christian missionarys. We are huge supporters of Way of the Master. In fact, we visited with Ray for a whole day after we were engaged. We want to see WOTM come to Japan, and would love to keep in contact with you. We are currently in America but want to return to Japan by possibly next fall. Contact us at if you'd like
-Mike and Fawn